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Rather than removing beneficial minerals like old-fashioned salt softeners, the NuvoH2O system uses a citrus-based formula, called CitraCharge, to bind hard minerals. Once bound to CitraCharge the minerals cannot form scale. It can even extend the life of costly water heaters. The NuvoH2O Manor+Taste system is designed for homes greater than 1,500 sq. ft. This system is built to not only soften your water but also filter the water to provide better tasting and smelling water for your entire home. Cartridge replacement is recommended every 6 months.


  • Removes contaminants and softens water to prevent bad taste, smell, and scale build-up
  • Each cartridge and filter last up to 6 months
  • Easy to maintain – no more heavy salt bags, simply replace with our light weight cartridge
  • Protects and extends the life of your pipes, appliances and fixtures – promotes healthy, soft skin and hair, no slick feeling you get from old-fashioned salt based softeners
  • Replacement cartridge intended for NuvoH2O Manor Softener + Taste System
  • Softener Cartridge and Filter Lifespan: Approx. 50,000 gallons


  • Brand: NuvoH2O

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