This extremely colorful bike features our brand-new dipped paint technique and is adorned with beautiful purples, pinks, and blues. She will think the adorable handlebar bag, shimmery streamers, and a comfortable padded seat on this 18″ bike are super cute. The training wheels are adjustable and removable which allows her to ride on her own terms. The front and rear caliper brakes and sturdy steel frame make this a super safe ride for your little girl.
- Comfort padded seat
- Front and rear caliper brakes
- Sturdy steel framings.
- Adorable handlebar bag
- Brand new dipped paint technique
- Shimmery streamers
- Training wheels are adjustable and removable
- Comfort padded seat
- Brand: Dynacraft
- Dimensions: 48.80 x 22.05 x 32.28 Inches
- Color: Pink, Purple, and Blue