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  • CUTE BLUE DINO PET FEATURES 35+ SOUNDS AND REACTIONS! She responds when kids wave at her or feed her the included treats. Which ones will she like this time
  • SHE HOPS AND BEGS WITH EXCITEMENT: Blue baby dino is eager for treats. She hops with anticipation and makes begging sounds when it’s snack time! What does she want to eat now
  • LOVES TO BE FUNNY AT TREAT TIME: She loves her bottle, but her broccoli or caveman cookie can be “yummy or yucky. Impossible to know until kids feed her
  • COOL DINO-HABITAT SOUNDS: She makes really cool background noises, too! Maybe this is what a prehistoric jungle sounds like
  • ADORABLE, CUDDLY BABY DINO: Maybe a bit of a diva at treat time, but a cute, playful friend who loves to play and snuggle, too! Enjoy her treat-time antics, and get to love this sweet blue baby


  • Brand: FurReal
  • Dimensions: 5.90 x 12.00 x 14.00 Inches
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs
  • Age Range: 4 Years & Up

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