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  • Detachable Water Tank: An ultrasonic humidifier with a detachable tank means that you don’t need to unplug and plug your humidifier into the sink every time you want to add water. Simply detach the water tank, and fill it. with water and return it.
  • Top Fill Humidifier: Top-fill Humidifier means the water stays in your humidifier and not on your floor. Other humidifiers require you to fill the water tank and flip it upside down, creating hazardous spills all over you and your floor.
  • Patented Magnetic Closure: The Myst is stress-free. Patented magnetic closure creates a tight bond between the water tank and The Myst base, ensuring your unit doesn’t spill over easily. Humidify your air, leak-free.No Leakage
  • Large Water Capacity: The Perfect 4.5 LiterWater Tank means you enjoy humidity and refill less often. Go smaller, and you’ll have to refill too often; go larger, and it’ll be too heavy to carry around. Consistent, Steady Humidity around the clock.No Leakage design, which means you’re using the whole 4.5L
  • Wireless Remote: Convenience matters. Imagine having to run up to your humidifier every time you wanted to change a setting. Or having to get back out of bed because you forgot to turn on sleep mode? Wireless remote ensures you can adjust the settings from wherever you are.
  • Smart Humidity: When in doubt, let Myst decide. The Myst continuously scans your air to determine the relative humidity in your environment. Too low, and TheMyst kicks it into high gear. Too high, The Myst winds down operation. Ensuring your room is always at the perfect humidity.


  • Brand: Miko
  • Power Input: AC120V, 60Hz, 30W(cool mist), 90W(warm mist)
  • Water Tank: 4.5L
  • Effective Area: 50 m2 (540 sq ft)
  • Mist Output: Low: 140ml/h (cool mist), 200ml/h (warm mist)
  • Mid: 220ml/h (cool mist), 300ml/h (warm mist)
  • High: 300ml/h (cool mist), 400ml/h (warm mist)

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